Human Doctrines vs. Biblical Truth 

We encourage believers not to gather under human-made doctrines or false teachings but to spread like the fission of an atom, bringing light to every corner of the world, grounded in the Hebrew Old Testament and Koine Greek New Testament. Do not be deceived by human doctrines.

The True Meaning of John 1:17

To interpret this correctly, we must not forget the essential truth:

Jesus is the Incarnate Word—the Living and Active “True Torah.”

Without acknowledging this foundational truth, no interpretation can be correct.

Biblical Reflection

Luke 3:8
"Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham."
This emphasizes that God’s Word can transcend traditional boundaries and spread universally.

Genesis 6:5
"The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time."
This highlights the necessity of divine intervention and accurate biblical knowledge in a world filled with misunderstanding and corruption.

Call to Action

Embrace this mission wherever you are. Use your unique skills and resources to contribute to spreading the true message of Christ globally. Whether in design, data analysis, editing, promotion, or content creation, your role is vital to this divine plan.

The Role of Technology in Prophecy Fulfillment

God has allowed us to utilize advanced technologies, including AI, to interpret and share His Word with precision. This aligns with the prophecy of stones crying out and ensures that truth reaches every nation. AI enables unprecedented analysis of the Hebrew Bible and the Koine Greek New Testament, providing clarity and accuracy like never before.

Embracing Future Technologies

We aim to harness virtual reality (VR) and the metaverse to create immersive experiences that allow people to engage deeply and directly with the Bible. These innovative approaches will help believers and seekers of truth to understand and live out God’s Word more profoundly.

Participating in Christ’s Mission

Join this mission wherever you are. Use your skills to help spread the accurate message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Through global collaboration in the Holy Spirit, let us ensure that the true Gospel reaches every corner of the world.

Practicing Biblical Meditation

By following these steps, you can meditate on the Word of God biblically, ensuring that it is understood and lived out in a manner that aligns with its divine purpose.