True Faith

1️⃣ The essence of faith is believing that God created the entire universe within salvation. In Hebrew, "Yeshua" (H3444) means salvation. Psalm 89, Isaiah 45, and various other passages in the Hebrew Scriptures reveal that Yeshua (H3444), meaning salvation, is the eternal destination of creation.

Therefore, all creation must enter into Yeshua (salvation) and eternally partake in that salvation. This is not a matter of choice but a necessity. Those who do not receive salvation will face terrifying judgment and punishment. The fact that a place without light is darkness constantly proves the truth of Yeshua (salvation) in every moment.

Colossians 1 and John 1 convey this truth, as recorded in the Hebrew Old Testament, as part of the Gospel. We must remember that the Gospel of John is not a mysterious new concept but rather a testimony to the truth already recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures. This same truth of salvation is also clearly testified in Isaiah 12, and in Genesis 49:18, Jacob earnestly longs for Yeshua (H3444).

God created all things to exist eternally, and He will bring down the visible city of this eternal existence, the New Jerusalem, from heaven to earth (Romans 8:18-25).

📖 Isaiah 12:2

הִנֵּ֨ה אֵ֧ל יְשׁוּעָתִ֛י אֶבְטַ֖ח וְלֹ֣א אֶפְחָ֑ד כִּֽי־עָזִּ֤י וְזִמְרָת֙ יָ֣הּ יְהוָ֔ה וַֽיְהִי־לִ֖י לִֽישׁוּעָֽה׃ 

Behold, God my Yeshuah,  I shall trust and not fear; for the strength and praise of the Eternal the Lord was my Yeshuah

📖 Genesis 49:18

לִֽישׁוּעָתְךָ֖ קִוִּ֥יתִי יְהוָֽה׃ 

O Lord, I wait for Your Yeshuah. 

2️⃣ The Fall of the First Man, Adam: In the world belonging to the first creation, eternal life and death, good and evil, coexisted. In the Garden of Eden, where God provided everything, Adam and his wife were deceived by the ancient serpent, that is, Satan, and chose death instead of eternal life. According to Genesis 3:22, we can see that they had not yet eaten from the tree of life.

However, God, who created all things in Yeshua, promised to destroy death and evil and complete the kingdom of Yeshua by giving His only begotten Son to the world (Genesis 3:15).

 3️⃣ Yeshuah (Yeshuah, Salvation) as the Incarnated Boy Yeshua (a male name meaning salvation): The name of Jesus recorded in the Koine Greek New Testament, "Iēsous," is a transliteration of the Hebrew "Yeshuah" with the addition of the masculine suffix sigma. The Name Yeshua is a man's name  but its meaning is Yeshuah (Salvation).

The holy "Salvation (Yeshuah)" of God, prophesied and recorded throughout the Torah and the entire Hebrew Old Testament, incarnated as a boy, and that boy is Jesus Christ. However, we must not reduce the Messiah Yeshua to merely one word and its meaning, "salvation."

This may seem difficult to grasp, so let’s refer to the biblical passage about Melchizedek. No one has seen or can understand when or how the true meaning of salvation (Yeshuah) and what salvation (Yeshuah) truly is originated. It is crucial to remember that no one can measure salvation.

4️⃣ Complete Faith in the Old and New Testaments as Fulfilled in Jesus Christ: Messiah Yeshua, Jesus Christ, is the Torah incarnate. The law of the Spirit of life in the Torah is the grace of salvation received without cost. Additionally, the law of sin and death prophesies and testifies to the redemptive sacrifice of Christ on the cross.

The entire true meaning of the Torah, as fulfilled in Jesus Christ, serves to mature each person's faith, providing the bread of life—namely, the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. The Psalms, along with the entire Old Testament, clearly testify to this truth, which is also a prophecy to be fulfilled.

The entire Hebrew Old Testament, including the Torah, is defined by Apostle Paul as the sword of the Spirit. Believers gain the ability to discern between soul and spirit, piercing even to the division of joints and marrow, through the perfect harmony of the Old and New Testaments.

By obeying this truth, we must thoroughly distinguish between soul and spirit. This preparation enables our souls, which must receive salvation, to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit rather than the desires of the flesh.

Through such faith, one becomes an entity whose name is written in the Book of Life. This faith involves a deep understanding and complete acceptance of the four stages of Scripture—the Torah, the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Book of Life.

5️⃣ Life Led by the Guidance of the Holy Spirit and Victory Over Sin:

Living according to the teachings of the Bible in Jesus Christ, bearing the fruits of the Spirit after receiving the Holy Spirit in this life, is the core of faith. Through the victory of the cross, freely granted by grace, one can break free from sin and experience true "freedom from sin," which is the assurance of being born again. Only the righteous deeds of the saints, symbolized by the bright and clean fine linen (Revelation 19:8), provide the qualification to enter the Holy City, the New Jerusalem (as the salvation of the soul is completed and one is clothed in a spiritual new body). This is reflected in the parables of the talents, the ten virgins, and the sheep and goats.

However, sins that do not lead to death, committed during one’s life, are forgivable. Forgivable sins are forgiven through repentance when Jesus cleanses them. At the same time, it is crucial to clearly understand that there is a sin that leads to death.

6️⃣ The Souls of Martyrs and the Salvation of the Soul:

The souls of martyrs are lifted up to the altar in heaven, where they do not sleep. These souls remain on the altar until the second coming of Jesus Christ (Revelation 6:9-11).

On the other hand, ordinary believers must work out their salvation with fear and trembling (1 Peter 1:9). If the salvation of the soul is not achieved, they will not receive the glorious new body.

The Bible also speaks about cases where salvation is attained only in spirit (1 Corinthians 5:1-5, 1 Peter 3:18-22, 1 Peter 4:1-6). One of the criminals who was crucified with Jesus and went to paradise may have entered paradise in spirit but might not have received the salvation of the soul. Even if one enters paradise, there might be cases where they cannot eat from the tree of life.

However, it is God who determines who among individuals receives the salvation of the soul as a fruit of faith. This is not something that can be judged or decided by humans. Such decisions should not be proclaimed by humans.

The Apostle Paul taught that we should not judge or condemn such matters. However, the ability to discern between those who correctly teach the Bible and those who do not is one of the essential powers of the kingdom that each believer must possess.

Those who have fought and overcome sin and received the salvation of the soul will eat from the tree of life in the paradise of God, which Jesus gives (Revelation 2:7). When is the moment to eat from the tree of life? The New Testament records and testifies that this can only happen when the soul is awakened (Luke 24:36-43, Matthew 6:25-34).

Thus, the sword of the Spirit enables a perfect understanding of the doctrine of salvation. However, it is the books that have translated the Bible that have caused confusion, preventing a correct understanding of the four core themes of salvation: spirit (pneuma, G4151 πνεῦμα), soul (Psuche, G5590 ψυχή) , life (Zoe G2222 ζωή), and breath (Pnoe, G4157 πνοή).

This is the dual nature of Bible translation. The reason Bible translations have reached this reality is that they have not perfectly fulfilled the duty of accurately conveying the true Bible. Bible translation holds the sacred responsibility of delivering the true Scripture accurately.

Of course, these processes can also be seen as a form of Progressive Revelation, where God desires the salvation of all humanity. Additionally, according to Jesus’ words that to those who have the treasures of the kingdom, more will be added, it can be seen as God's work to ensure that His word is fully delivered to humanity.